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June 7 - June 9, 2024
Understanding how to mix and match color is an essential skill for representational painting. If "mud" is your default color when mixing paint, then this workshop is for you. During this weekend workshop, we will construct a rudimentary 10-hue Munsell color wheel and practice its application to still life. Lecture topics include an overview of the Munsell Color System, drawing tips, color analysis, palette preparation, color mixing, and step-by-step painting procedure. As an added bonus, ALL COLOR PAINTS (white and black excluded) AND STILL LIFE MATERIALS WILL BE PROVIDED. Yes, you read that correctly, ALL COLOR PAINTS (white and black excluded) AND STILL LIFE MATERIALS WILL BE PROVIDED. That's saving you $170 of paint and the hassle of dragging a box of still life props to class. If you've been hesitant to jump into oil painting, or you're familiar with oil but you feel like you can't control it, register now!.
Dates to be announced
Portrait work from a live model can be a daunting task, even if your painting skills are solid. The pressure of time constraints and a model that never stays perfectly still add more difficulty to a complex subject. The use of photography offers the opportunity to explore the fundamentals of portrait painting in a relaxed manner without these pressures, and build core skills necessary to successfully tackling the live model. Discussions include drawing tips, head construction, complexions and their locations on the color wheel, palette layout, and step-by-step painting procedure. A professionally photographed head will be provided for each student.

Dates to be announced
Usher in the spring and learn the joy of floral painting from life. I will guide you through a step-by-step process of capturing all those beautiful shapes and colors, so leave your fear at the door. Topics include drawing tips, palette layout, and a clear painting procedure for reproducing all that flowery goodness. Prepare to have fun and revel in the glorious color of flowers. Floral bouquets will be provided.

Fundamentals of landscape painting
Dates to be announced
Are you interested in landscape painting but unnerved by the idea of painting outdoors? If so, this workshop is just for you. In this comprehensive workshop, we forgo the stress of open air (“plein air”) painting for some in-depth study in the relaxed environment of the studio. Working with photographic reference, we will thoroughly cover landscape basics through a series of projects designed to make the plein air experience easier and more enjoyable. Topics include “painting by principle” and the theory of planes, types of lighting conditions, atmospheric perspective, painting procedure, and palette preparation.